Moso Mission for Christ -
Sowing the seeds of the Gospel

The Moso Bamboo is known to be the tallest, fastest-growing, and most valuable bamboo in the world but it can take up to five years to see any growth after planting the seeds. During that time, the sprout is watered every day without fail, and beneath the surface, the roots grow deep and wide. So it is with children’s ministry. We pray for God to mobilize his workers to plant the seeds of the Gospel and consistently nurture young faith with the Word of God until they are deeply rooted in Christ.

M - Making Disciples of All Nations

  O -  Online Gospel Education System

    S -  Supporting Teachers & Parents

      O -  Opening Centers for Children's Worship 

Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.

-Proverbs 22:6


Children’s Worship Curriculum

Children are created in the image of God to worship Him. There is nothing more precious to God than the praises of His beloved children. But children need more than religious services or moral lessons from the Bible. They need a Christ-centered, Covenantal worship curriculum that can root them in the Word of God, imprint their hearts with the Gospel, and train them to be the future missionaries and leaders to save their nations and the world.


Moso Mission
Teachers College

The key to saving the children is the teacher. MMC seeks to equip teachers through the online Moso Mission Teachers College. People who complete the program will be awarded an MMTC certificate that qualifies them to open a Moso Mission Center with access to the curriculum and resources needed for daily worship.

Support for the
Mission Field

Your prayers and support can help train teachers to lead daily or weekly worship in their schools and churches. Your offering of love will impact the lives of young children all over the world. Current mission fields in need of your loving contributions are in

  • Bangalore, India

  • Nagaland, India

  • Manipur, India

  • Manila, Philippines

  • Nairobi, Kenya

  • Kigali, Rwanda

  • Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

  • Port-Vila, Vanuatu

Gospel Nuggets
for Teachers Podcast

Start your day with the Word of God and receive the spiritual strength you need to meet your students and impact their lives with the love of God. Be empowered with truth-filled Gospel Nuggets so Christ can shine through you!

Apple Podcasts Spotify Anchor Google Podcasts

Come, O children,
listen to me;
I will teach you
the fear of the Lord.

Psalm 34:11

Children’s Ministry




Contact us to request an in-person or online Children’s Ministry Teachers’ Training.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
This form is NOT the Teachers College Application. Please go to the Teachers College tab and click “First-Time Applications: Apply NOW!”


*1 (213) ‪770-0445